
Literary Criticism

History of African American Literature

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History of African American Literature

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History of African American Literature

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History of African American Literature

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History of World Literature

Arabic and Persian Literature from the Middle Ages (c. 500 CE–1400)

Although writers living in the area of current-day Iran (the historic Persia) from the sixth through the fourteenth centuries CE wrote in a variety of literary genres, the height of literary artistry was found in their poetry. During the pre-Islamic era (c. 500–620), a rich tradition of oral poetry addressed a range of subjects including love, praise, and sorrow. The
qası–dahs, or odes, are perhaps the most well-known type of Persian poetry. In Al-Shanfara–’s qası–dah “Laˆmıˆyat al-’Arab,” the speaker tells of being rejected by his family and going into the wilds where “a sleek leopard, and a fell hyena with shaggy mane [are] / True comrades” (Lichtenstadter 150; lines 6–7). As an outcast, he is alone, yet achieves a sense of independence with his

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History of World Literature

Literature of the European Renaissance (1350–1650)

The Renaissance is generally dated from fourteenth-century Italy to the middle of the seventeenth century. The term renaissance literally means rebirth, and the writers of the Renaissance presented it as an era of new beginnings. Christopher Columbus traveled across the Atlantic Ocean from Spain and landed in the Americas. In astronomy, Nicolaus Copernicus and Galileo Galilei determined that the Earth revolves around the Sun, which altered Europeans’ understanding of the cosmos. Such discoveries called for a new era of curiosity and creativity. Like great medieval thinkers before them, Renaissance writers engaged with and imitated works from antiquity, specifically works from the classical Greek and Roman eras. Writers believed that ancient texts could give new life to their own work and that the study of classical texts could help their communities become more broadly educated and more capable of diverse and rational thought. They advocated a broad range of learning reflective of antiquity’s influence, including the fields of literature, philosophy, rhetoric, and history.

A medieval writer credited with beginning the Renaissance, the Italian Francesco Petrarch is best known for his collection of love poems celebrating Laura, Il Canzoniere (or Song Book, c. 1360), written in contemporary Italian vernacular rather than Latin.

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History of African American Literature

Apple’s Amazing New Music App Hits All the Right Notes

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